In 2008 Christchurch City Council purchased land connected to the traditional waterways of Kaputahi/Kaputone Creek and Puharakekenui (Styx River). The area of land was known as a wahi mahinga kai place of resource and gathering) occupied by Ngati Urihia, descendants of Ngai Tuahuriri. The Maori name Puharakekenui connects the original grantees to the adjacent river called The Styx by Pakeha. There are a number of wahi taonga (sites of significance) along the waterways. Including clusters of waipuna (springs) which enhance the mauri of the whenua and the holistic healing and natural features of a wahi Rongoa Maori.

Meet the team
Tohunga Rongoa
Ko Te Upoko o Tahumataa te mauka, Okana te awa, Wairewa te roto, Kati Irakehu, Kati Urihia ka hapu, Kai Tahu, Kati Mamoe, Waitaha ka iwi. Ka huri te taha o toku Mama, Ko Tongariro te maunga, Taupo-nui-a-Tia te moana, Mokai me Waitetoko nga marae, Ngati Wairangi te hapu, Ngati Tuwharetoa te Iwi.
I am blessed to serve the peoples and communities of Otautahi with Rongoa Maori,
Nau mai tauti mai ki te whare rongoa me te Whenua o Kaputahi Rongoa -
Welcome to Kahukura Rongoa Maori Healing clinic and rongoa reserve - Nau mai Tauti Mai
Pouarahi - Kahukura Maori Healing
Ko Maire Parewaiterangi Kipa ahau te teina a Aperahama Te Aika Kipa. Greetings everyone, I'm Maire and I provide project management support to Kahukura Rongoa Maori clinic and reserve. I take queries for appointments and direct them to our Tohunga Rongoa, Tohunga Whakairo and Kai-raranga.
Learning about Te Whare Tangata, Atua Wahine and Kaitiakitanga has deepened my commitment to grow rongoa Maori as a way to protect against urbanisation that harms ancestral land and waterways. When we reconnect with our tupuna, their stories, the best spaces for mara kai and native flora and fauna, new bush is revealed to us. Its nature based learning and healing at its best. Whakapai te whenua, Whakapai te tangata...E hoa ma - Nau mai tauti mai ki Kaputahi Rongoa Maori Reserve.
You can also contact me for a S27 Cultural Report in accordance with the NZ Sentencing Act 2002 All queries to
Piki te ora Piki te kaha
Mokopuna Maori Arts & Taamoko
Kia ora. I am a trustee of Kahukura Rongoa Maori Trust ko Rawiri Koia or you can call me Ra. My partner Ngaoma Wihapi and I are both passionate about supporting the kaupapa Whakapai te whenua, whakapai nga tangata! I am a Tohunga Whakairo and Ngaoma is Kai Raranga and project support. Most Thursdays and Fridays we are on the reserve at Kaputahi Rongoa Reserve. Toi Maori is a beautiful way for our rangatahi and tamariki to connect and learn traditional stories and teachings about our tupuna or ancestors. We look forward to planting days, release and shine events and talking circles. Come to Kaputahi our special place of rongoa maori - healing body mind and spirit.
Mokopuna Maori Arts and Taamoko also supply traditional and contemporary maori carvings/arts and crafts with each piece personally designed to the customers needs. Rawiri Koia is also an experienced Taa moko artist located at 307 Riccarton Road Christchurch. For all appointments, bookings and cancellations please private message our face book page, email us at or call on 0211850911.
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